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Things you will need:

  • Paper

  • Writing Utensil



  1. Draw a circle in the center of a piece of paper.

  2. Write what you want in the center of circle.

  3. Draw a line from the circle, like you would a ray of sunshine.

  4. Write on the line a detail describing what you want.

  5. Continue steps 4 & 5 deosil around the circle, until you can’t think of any more details.

  6. Now take this paper, fold it up, and put it where it will not be disturbed or discovered, and leave.



  • Do not focus on your final goal, as this may seem out of your current reach, and you may undermine your ability to achieve it. Focus on completing the next step towards your goal, as you have outlined for yourself – this will be something that you can accomplish, and you will be able to keep your thoughts positive.

  • Do not think about it, or go back to look at it, until you have either received what you asked for, or decided you don’t want it anymore.  

Sun Spell

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